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Asia Minerals Limited (AML) 亚洲矿业有限公司(AML)是一家在亚洲,非洲,欧洲,独联体国家及北美都有子公司的国际化公司。我们于1993年成立于香港,专业从事所有与锰有关业务,从原矿到合金及金属化学制品。我们致力于锰,并为客户对于锰的需求提供全面的解决方案。我们争取向客户提供优质的产品和服务,并本着尊重及双赢的原则,与利益相关者保持长期的合作关系。

(i) Mining business 亚洲矿业有限公司始于与锰有关的业务,现在我们提供采矿,提炼与销售的一站式服务。

KMR is a Manganese mining company incorporated in South Africa and a joint venture among AML, Nippon Denko Co., Ltd. and BEE entity partners. KMR is one of the five largest miners of Manganese in South Africa and currently operating two farms of “York” and “Hotazel” with annual production of 2 million MT Manganese Ore with Mn grade of 36% - 42%.

(ii) Smelting business – Pertama Ferroalloys Sdn. Bhd. (PFA)

PFA is a ferroalloy smelting plant located in Bintulu, Malaysia and jointly owned by AML, Nippon Denko Co., Ltd., Shinsho Corporation and a Malaysian corporation. PFA started production in 2016 and it is the first ferroalloy smelting plant in Sarawak, Malaysia. PFA currently produces Ferro Silicon as well as Silicon Manganese, with annual production of 250K MT.

AML, as an integrated producer of Manganese, strives for providing excellent products and services to the customers, as well as maintaining the long term partnership with all our stakeholders in a respectful manner and “Win-Win” attitude.

资讯编辑:黄雨婷 021-26092123
资讯监督:查佐栋 021-26093218
资讯投诉:陈杰 021-26093100